Vanilla is one of the world’s favourite flavours and makes a nutritious and delicious ingredient in protein powder. It’s tasty just as it comes. It forms a great base for other flavours, too.

Let’s take a look at where vanilla comes from, how vanilla protein powder is made and why this versatile ingredient is so good for you. Read on to know more.

Where does vanilla come from?

This tasty flavouring is produced from pods (also known as beans) that are the fruit of the vanilla orchid, a plant that can be found in Central America, Mexico, the West Indies and the northern area of South America and the Indian Ocean region. In fact, most of the world’s vanilla comes from Madagascar and La Réunion, islands in the Indian Ocean.

In the wild, vanilla orchids produce their pods when they have been pollinated by hummingbirds or bees. The flowers are only open for short periods, which makes natural pollination challenging. As such, hand pollination is used in the vanilla manufacturing process.
The pods are harvested when they are unripe, immersed in hot water and left to dry out for a period of between two and six months. This process draws out the vanilla flavour.

You can buy the dried vanilla pods or get the flavouring from vanilla essence, which is a mixture of the pods, water and alcohol.

How is vanilla protein powder made?

There are various processes used to create a base protein powder, to which vanilla flavouring or extract is added.

First of all, protein is separated from its wholefood source. One of the most common sources is the by-products of milk used in cheese production. In this case, milk is curdled and strained as part of the process, and a liquid – whey – is left behind.

For vanilla protein powder, the vanilla extract is added to the whey, which then undergoes a process of freezing, spray freezing (where the liquid is atomised) or snap freezing (rapid cooling).

These methods all serve to separate out the whey protein powder and dehydrate it while preserving the quality of the protein.
The powder is milled to ensure a consistent texture. Then, it’s packaged and distributed to shops.
How is vanilla good for the body?

Vanilla is not just a delicious flavouring. It comes with a range of health benefits, which make it a desirable ingredient in protein powders.

The aroma of vanilla alone has been found to have a calming effect and can help to relieve sleep apnoea, a disorder where breathing stops and starts during sleep.

Vanilla has fewer carbohydrates and calories than sugar, so it can be used as a healthier way to sweeten food and drinks.

Vanilla is also known to help reduce high blood glucose levels and can contribute towards a healthy heart, thanks to its antioxidants. These also lower your risk of infection and some types of cancer.

Vanilla is an appealing ingredient in a protein powder, which themselves can help repair body tissue, build muscle and stimulate the body to produce essential enzymes and hormones to keep it in optimum condition.
Popular and health-boosting vanilla

What’s not to like about vanilla? As well as being a popular flavour that appeals to young and old alike, it comes with a range of little-known health benefits that provide a welcome boost to your wellbeing.

It’s no wonder that vanilla protein powders are among the most popular health supplements on the market, which can be used in shakes and baking. They can also be sprinkled over fruit and cereal for a healthy kick-start to your day.