Casein Protein Powder

What Is Casein Protein Powder?

You’ve heard about whey protein powder, but what about its lesser-known counterpart?

Sure, casein protein powder may not be front and centre on the supplement shelves, but that doesn’t mean you should discount it! Casein is a protein powerhouse that can work wonders, especially when paired with whey protein powder.

Of course, it’s hard to decide whether to give casein protein powder a try if you don’t know anything about it — but we can fix that.

Casein protein powder is just one of the many supplements available to those who need a little more protein in their lives. Like whey, casein is derived from milk. Unlike whey, casein actually makes up about 80 per cent of all the protein found in milk. Also, unlike whey, casein protein takes a while to digest — but more on that later.

Casein protein powder is a complete protein source and contains approximately 24 grams of protein for every 33 grams of powder.

Where Does Casein Protein Powder Come From?

Casein begins its journey with a cow — or, more specifically, with milk.

Just when you thought cheese couldn’t get any better, you learn that it’s also the source of one of our favourite protein powders. That’s right — casein protein powder is naturally created as a by-product of the cheesemaking process. How, you ask?

First, manufacturers add heat, enzymes, or bacterial cultures to milk in order to make it curdle, which forces the liquids and solids to separate and allows the solids to begin clumping together. Imagine a tub of cottage cheese in the fridge and you’ll get the picture.

At this point, the curds are floating on top of the whey, making them easy to separate. The solids are skimmed away and from this point, they have one of two fates: They can be left intact and used to make foods like sour cream or yoghurt, or they can be dehydrated to create casein protein powder, packed up and shipped to your door for a delicious pre- or post-workout supplement.

How It Works

We know what you’re thinking — if casein protein powder is so similar to whey, it’s not really that different, right?

Their sources may be the same but casein powder is pretty unique in the way that it’s digested. Remember how casein clumps together when it’s formed? It also does that when it’s being metabolised!

Once consumed, casein congeals to form a single mass in your gut, leading to slower absorption in the long run. So, where whey protein powders are quickly digested, casein protein powders are more of a steady drip of amino acids feeding into your system, which offers a variety of benefits you won’t find with other supplements.

There are two forms generally available: micellar casein and casein hydrolysate. Micellar casein is the more natural form of the two, with a chemical structure similar to milk caseins and which mimics their clumping effect, offering long and slow absorption rates. Casein hydrolysate is casein that is partially broken down or digested. It’s easier to metabolise and offers faster absorption rates.

The Powerful Protein Powder You Need

As you might expect, casein protein powder is useful for building muscle. But, what makes it unique is that it’s one of the protein powders that’s more useful when it’s taken right before bed. Because it takes so long to digest, casein protein is a great bedtime supplement that will feed your muscles as you sleep.

Slower absorption also means that this supplement is super effective at keeping you feeling full — a big bonus for those looking to gain muscle and get rid of excess fat.

Casein protein powders may come from humble origins, but if you’re looking for a unique protein supplement, then it’s definitely one to consider.

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